miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2018

I send ton C. Mehrl Bennett to Columbus-USA

I send to Carlos Botana A Coruña- Spain

I send Bruno Charlone to Cairo M-Italia

I received of Bruno Chiarlone of Cairo M. Italia

I received of Carlos Botana from A Coruña- Spain

I received mail art of C. Mehrl Bennett from Columbus- USA

Envié a Tulio Pereza c/o Espacio 2 C a la Convocatoria Cadaver Exquis


Theme: “Exquisite Corpse” –“Cadavre Exquis”
Dimensions: Max. A4
Technique: Make an Exquisite Corpse with all kind of techniques (collage, painting, photography, engraving, etc)
Deadline: June 15th 2018
Entries: No limit.
An exhibition of the received works will take place at October, 2018 in Tenerife (Spain)

Rules: No jury, no selection, no return
Send the artworks  to: 
Cadavre Exquis
Tulio Peraza c/o Espacio 2C
Calle La Valeria 17-7. Edif. Calle La Valeria.
Aldea Blanca.
38628. Tenerife. Spain