martes, 29 de agosto de 2017
CALL FOR ARTISTS: Strength in Connection-Thy Neighbor MAIL ART Exhibition. The Coburn Art Gallery @ Ashland University, Ashland, Ohio (October 26- November 17, 2017)
Deadline for postmark submission: October 1, 2017
Works should address building a better understanding of our diverse community population through race, class and religion as seen through connections with our neighbors.
All 2-D, 4” x 6” artwork in any medium will be accepted. Original work must be stamped and mailed. The artwork cannot be sent in a box or envelope. All artwork will NOT be returned. Opening Reception: October 26, 2017. ENTRY IS FREE. Works from the USA & International accepted. DIRECTIONS FOR PARTICIPATION: Create an original 4" x 6" artwork (only original artwork will be accepted) Print the following information on the back of each postcard-
Website/Facebook/Instagram (optional):
Mail postcard to:
Coburn Art Gallery
c/o Cynthia Petry
331 College Avenue
Ashland, OH 44805
Each postcard will be labeled during the Strength through Connections-Thy Neighbor exhibition.
Works larger than 4″ x 6″ will not be exhibited. Works delivered in a box or envelope will not be exhibited. Questions:
CALL FOR ARTISTS: Strength in Connection-Thy Neighbor MAIL ART Exhibition. The Coburn Art Gallery @ Ashland University, Ashland, Ohio (October 26- November 17, 2017)
Deadline for postmark submission: October 1, 2017
Works should address building a better understanding of our diverse community population through race, class and religion as seen through connections with our neighbors.
All 2-D, 4” x 6” artwork in any medium will be accepted. Original work must be stamped and mailed. The artwork cannot be sent in a box or envelope. All artwork will NOT be returned. Opening Reception: October 26, 2017. ENTRY IS FREE. Works from the USA & International accepted. DIRECTIONS FOR PARTICIPATION: Create an original 4" x 6" artwork (only original artwork will be accepted) Print the following information on the back of each postcard-
Website/Facebook/Instagram (optional):
Mail postcard to:
Coburn Art Gallery
c/o Cynthia Petry
331 College Avenue
Ashland, OH 44805
Each postcard will be labeled during the Strength through Connections-Thy Neighbor exhibition.
Works larger than 4″ x 6″ will not be exhibited. Works delivered in a box or envelope will not be exhibited. Questions:
lunes, 28 de agosto de 2017
PRAYER for PEACE Invitation to partecipate / invito a partecipare ( A5 b/n
- works in black and white - trabaco en blanco y negro - arbeit in schwarz und
weiss - travaille en noir et blanc) "Compassion is the foundation of all
peaceful thoughts and actions." "La compassione è il fondamento di
tutti i pensieri e le azioni pacifiche" (Sua Santità His Holyness The
Dalai Lama) Prayer for Peace L'Associazione Trentino for Tibet e Bosco dei
Poeti, t'invitano gentilmente a inviare un'opera in formato A5 ( base 148 x
altezza 210 mm) per realizzare una bandiera da preghiera tibetana d'artista. Le
opere rigorosamente in bianco e nero saranno stampate su fondo di cinque colori
per formare idealmente la più lunga preghiera d'artista mai realizzata. Le
bandiere - preghiera saranno inizialmente esposte nel maggio 2018 al Bosco dei
Poeti e i disegni originali saranno conservati nell'archivio del Bosco dei
Poeti già presente al MART Museo d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e
Rovereto. Successivamente tutte le preghiere d'artista faranno parte di un
unico striscione da esporre in eventi dedicati, presso sedi internazionali ed
in spedizioni alpinistiche. Dimensioni / Sizes A5 (148x210 mm) – tecnica/medium
free Scadenza / Deadline: 18 febbraio 2018 Losar Capodanno Tibetano Exibition –
Bosco dei Poeti, Dolcè(VR) ITALY – ITALIA maggio 2018 NO RETURN – NO SELECTION
– NO JURY Tutti i lavori devono essere spediti per posta. Si prega di fornire
il proprio nome,cognome,curriculum,nazionalità,email se possibile) Bosco dei Poeti
- Vicolo S.M.Maddalena 16 - 38122 Trento – Italia Italy Catalogo online in
progess su pagina Facebook Bosco dei Poeti. Comitato Promotore: Associazione
Trentino for Tibet, Roberto Pinter, Bosco dei Poeti, Anna Boschi, Luc Fierens,
Jakob de Chirico, Patrizio Peterlini, Gigi Zoppello, Ruggero Maggi for
"Compassion is the foundation of all peaceful thoughts and actions."
(His Holyness The Dalai Lama) Prayer for Peace "Trentino for Tibet"
Association, along with Bosco dei Poeti/ Forest of Poets, invites you to the
call for artpiece: we seek for A5 ( 148x210 mm. ) sized works, to be part of a
sacred artists Tibetan prayer flag. All works MUST be in black and white, and
will be printed on 5 colour basis, forming world's longest Tibetan artist
prayer flag. Flags will be first displayed and presented in Bosco dei Poeti on
May, 2018. Original artpieces will be kept in Bosco dei Poeti Archive, guarded
at MART Museo d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto. Later all
works will be part of a single giant banner, to be displayed at international
exhibits or events in different selected venues, and alpinistic expeditions.
Sizes: A5 (148x210) Medium: free Deadline: 18 febbraio 2018 Losar Capodanno
Tibetano, February 18th, 2018 The Losar Tibetan New Year's Eve First Exibition:
Bosco dei Poeti, Dolcè (Verona) ITALY – ITALIA may 2018 NO RETURN – NO
SELECTION – NO JURY All works MUST be mailed. Please clearly indicate author's
name, surname, curriculum, nationality, address and e-mail if possible. Mail Tu
- Bosco dei Poeti - Vicolo S.M.Maddalena 16 - 38122 Trento – Italia Italy
Online catalogue in progess, see Facebook page "Bosco dei Poeti".
Promoting Commitee: Associazione Trentino for Tibet, Roberto Pinter, Bosco dei
Poeti, Anna Boschi, Luc Fierens, Jakob De Chirico, Patrizio Peterlini, Gigi
Zoppello, Ruggero Maggi for Padiglione Tibet.
Prayer for peace invitation to
vinculadas / invitación a participar (A5 B / n - works en negro y blanco - trabaco
en blanco y negro - arbeit in schwarz und weiss - travaille en noir et blanc)
" compassion is the foundation of all pacíficos pensamientos and
Actions." " la compasión es la base de todos los pensamientos y
acciones pacíficas " (su santidad his holyness the Dalai Lama) Prayer for
peace la asociación trentino para el tíbet y el bosque de los poetas, te
invitan amablemente a enviar una obra en formato A5 (base 148 x altura 210 mm)
para llevar a cabo una bandera de oración tibetana de artista. Las obras estrictamente
en blanco y negro serán impresas en el fondo de cinco colores para formar
idealmente la más larga oración de artista jamás realizada. Las banderas -
oración serán inicialmente expuestas en mayo de 2018 en el bosque de los poetas
y los diseños originales serán conservados en el archivo del bosque de los
poetas ya presente en el centro comercial museo de arte moderno y contemporáneo
de trento y rovereto. Posteriormente, todas las oraciones de artista formarán
parte de una sola pancarta que se exponga en eventos dedicados, en foros
internacionales y en envíos escalar. Tamaño / SIZES A5 (148 x mm) - Técnica /
medio libre plazo / deadline: 18 de febrero de 2018 losar año nuevo tibetano de
- bosque de los poetas, Dolce (VR) Italy - italia mayo 2018 no return No
selección - no jurado todos los trabajos deben ser enviados por correo. Por
favor, proporcione su nombre, apellido, currículum, nacionalidad, e-mail si es
posible) Bosque de los poetas - callejón s.m.maddalena 16-38122 Trento - Italia
italy catálogo en línea en progess en la página de facebook bosque de los
poetas. Comité Promotor: Asociación Trentino para el tíbet, Roberto Pinter,
bosque de los poetas, Ana Bosques, Luc fierens, jakob de Chirico, Patricio
Peterlini, Gigi zoppello, ruggero maggi for pabellón tíbet.
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " compassion is the
foundation of all pacíficos pensamientos and actions." (his holyness the
Dalai Lama) Prayer for peace " Trentino For Tibet " Association,
along with bosco of poetas / Forest of poets, invitaciones you to the call for
artpiece: WE SEEK FOR A5 (148 x mm). ) Sized Works, to be part of a sagrado
artists tibetan prayer flag. Todas las obras deben ser en negro y blanco, y
will be bibliográfica on 5 COLOUR BASIS, formación world ' S Longest Tibetan
Artist Artist. Flags will be first el and presented en el bosque de los poetas
on may, 2018. Original artpieces will be kept en el bosque de los poetas
archive, guarded at mart museo de arte moderno y contemporáneo de trento y rovereto.
Later all works will be part of a single giant banner, to be el at
international manipulaciones or events en different selected selected, and
alpinistic expeditions. Sizes: A5 (148 x) Medium: FREE DEADLINE: 18 de febrero
de 2018 losar año nuevo tibetano, february 18 th, 2018 the losar tibetan new
year ' s eve first de: Bosque de los poetas, DOLCE (Verona) Italy - Italia May
2018 no return - no selección - no jurado all works necesidad be mailed. Por
favor, claramente indicadas author ' s name, surname, currículum, nacionalidad,
address and e-mail if posible. Mail - bosque de los poetas - callejón
s.m.maddalena 16-38122 Trento - Italia Italy online catálogo en progess, see
facebook page "Bosque de los poetas". promoting pequeñas: Asociación
Trentino para el tíbet, Roberto Pinter, bosque de los poetas, Anna Bosques, Luc
fierens, jakob de Chirico, Patricio Peterlini, Gigi zoppello, ruggero maggi for
pabellón tíbet
Hello i will be happy to exchange Painting in size 10x15 cm
unframed with any one interested.
No jury No Price NO Fee
Just a good and fare exchange of art.
All art received will be displayed in a Gallery in Carrara
Salve Vorrei scambiare dei Lavori in Formato 10 x 15 cm senza
cornice con Chiunque lo desidera 1 Per 1.
niente soldi niente giuria niente premi
solo della sano scambio d'arte.
My address
Menconi Tiziano
Via Venezia 2
jueves, 24 de agosto de 2017
miércoles, 23 de agosto de 2017
i artisti che partecipano al progetto LEONE ROSSO, ancora in itinere, rispettando spesso sommariamente le regole indicate con particolare riguardo alla misura A4 e al colore ROSSO! Più del doppio partecipano a ruota libera e al di fuori delle indicazioni. I 100 sono in mostra domenica 27 agosto 2017 negli spazi espositivi dell'Antica Fossetta a Musile, Venezia; rappresentano 35 paesi nel mondo e sono:
Andreina ARGIOLAS, ARISTIDE 3108, Sylvana AYMARD, Tiziana BARACCHI, Calogero BARBA, Piero BARDUCCI, Horst BAUR, Sabela BAÑA, Lancillotto BELLINI, Luisa BERGAMINI, Christian BONAVIA, Anna BOSCHI, Cecilia BOSSI, Marco BRUNO, Carol BRUTON, Rossana BUCCI, Mirta CACCARO, Angela CAPORASO, Lamberto CARAVITA, Yolaine CARLIER, Chantal CAVENEL, Maria Teresa CAZZARO, Solange CLOUVEL, Augustin COLOMBANI, Giancarlo DA LIO David DELLAFIORA, Mimmo DI CATERINO, Renata DI PALMA, Marcello DIOTALLEVI, Noël FANTONI, Cinzia FARINA, Giuseppe FILARDI, Giacinto FORMENTINI, Joël FRÉMIOT, Claudia GARCIA, Jean François GAULTHIER, Mauro GENTILE, Dania GENTILI, Lillo GIULIANA, Gabriella GIURIATO, Rosanna GRANCONATO, John HELD, Fleur HELSINGOR, Hans HESS, Tuula HIRVONEN, Dobrica KAMPERELIC, Michele LAMBO, Brigitte LAPORTE, Ettore LE DONNE, Ghislaine LEJARD, Alexander LIMAREV, Pierpaolo LIMONGELLI, Maya LOPEZ MURO, Lydia LORENZI, Claudio MANGIFESTA, Danilo MICHELETTO, Samuel MONTALVETTI, Katerina NICOLTSOU, Marco PASIAN, Marylaure PASTORELLI, Giancarlo PAVANELLO, Walter PENNACCHI, PENZO+FIORE, Marcela PERAL, Silvano PERTONE, Riccardo PEZZOLI, Valeria PONTOGLIO, Giuseppina RIGGI, Carmela RIZZUTO, Dale ROBERTS, Gianni ROMIZI, Gianfranco SACCHETTI, Salvatore SALAMONE, Roberto SANCHEZ, Bernd SCHNEIDER, Roberto SECHI, Noriko SHIMIZU, Bolonie SHUHAIBAR, Maria José SILVA MIZE’, Lucia SPAGNOLO, Franco SPENA, Honoria STARBUCK, Esma TATAR, Ptrzia TICTAC, Marie Aimée TIROLE, Sumiyo TORIIZUKA, Giuseppe Luca TORRACO, Mikel UNTZILLA, Diana Isa VALLINI, Sven VANDENBOSCH, Nancy VAN DIJK, Nico VAN HOORN, Isabelle VANNOBEL, Silvia VENUTI, Ginangrazio VERNA, Elisabeth VILLENEUVE, VIRGY M, Andrea VIZZINI
martes, 8 de agosto de 2017
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