lunes, 24 de enero de 2022

I send conv Pez Blister Mail art.Org. My Dear Pez (Fernando Ferreira&Maria Joao Diogo) Coimbra ( Portugal)


01.Theme: Pez Blister Mailart
02. Categories: This initiative has got an exhibition on-line and a traditional one if number of works received justify it.
03. Organization: My Dear Pez (Fernando Ferreira & Maria João Diogo)
Bairro António Sérgio, Bloco C1 - 2Esq
3020- 078 Coimbra - Portugal
04.Terms of participation:
- open to all artists
- any technic (drawing, painting, collage, photography, others)
- you can download our template here or your send you mailart size with 7cm x 21cm
All works must be identified with the author's name and title
05. Application form: Name / Address / City / Country / E-mail
06. Deadline / Exhibition line: No deadline, but our first stage will be June 1st 2022 and starts online when received the first work
For more info:
Check our gallery >>

Now it's time to wait for your mailart.

Best regards,
Fernando & Maria João


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